Center of Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Psychedelic Medicine Expio

Opening Hours : Mon-Fri 10.00 - 19.00.

Tel. +380 7373 080 88

We adhere to the principles of advanced, integrative medicine, which considers a person as a single system, where the body, energy, mind and spirituality are equal partners. It seeks to return from the particular to the general, since the activities of the human body cannot be explained without a holistic approach. This complexity distinguishes integrative medicine from traditional medicine, which considers a person as a kind of biological mechanism in which it is enough to “repair” a diseased organ or system. An isolated, especially pharmacological effect on a single organ, as a rule, is associated with side effects of drugs on other organs. The motto of integrative medicine is to treat the person, not the disease, and apply different methods to different people.

Our system of work with mental and psychosomatic disorders is unique because:

  • Based on original author's developments, including the method of eliminating the dominant disease.
  • It combines various methods to achieve the goal of returning to health: at the levels of the psyche, brain, and body as a whole.
  • Eliminates long-standing psychological trauma and internal conflicts that played an important role in the origin of your illness.
  • Allows you to explore and remove obstacles to recovery: overreaction to stress, harmful emotional habits, limiting beliefs and ineffective behaviors.
  • Teaches new ways of thinking and emotional response. They will be really helpful for you.
  • It gives a vision of a different way of life and helps to determine its meaning and true goals.
  • Combines knowledge and wisdom of antiquity and modernity, West and East.
  • Serves your healing not only in the Center, but also at home.

Our approach to restoring health is different from what traditional medicine has taught you - "you treat me, and I will watch you do it." Only you can make yourself healthy. Our role is to teach and help, and to free your mind from everything that interferes with it.

Your active intention to change yourself and your life, your desire to learn new ways of thinking, behaving, expressing emotions, daily work on yourself, maximum openness, initiative and perseverance - this is the key to your return to health.

We recommend treatment in a program, not in separate sessions. Why? The formation of your illness took at least several years and is based on a whole set of specific psychosomatic layers:

- predisposition to the disease, formed in childhood. It is necessary to eliminate ineffective psychological attitudes, and often negative or even traumatic childhood experiences that still affect your life and health.

- factors that provoked the onset of the disease: psychotrauma and long-term unresolved psychological problems of adulthood (intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts, dissatisfaction with life, etc.)

- factors that support the pathogenic process: the psychophysiological dominant of the disease, chronic pathogenic stress, maladaptive ways of responding to life's difficulties.

The resolution of these problems is impossible in one or two sessions - consistent work with all layers is necessary, which has a cumulative effect.

For some reason, everyone understands that drugs must be taken in a course for sometimes even several months, and psychotherapy is often expected to have an immediate effect. Experience shows that during one-time visits, without receiving a "miracle" for the first sessions, patients often stop further treatment. Or vice versa: after the first sessions, having felt an improvement in the patient’s condition, the patient does not continue therapy, hoping that it will already be “and so good”. Unfortunately, it is not. Over time, the received “advance” is depleted, and the patient has a false idea that the treatment is ineffective.

Work by reveali conflicts is the most important task for patients, because the energy, previously bound by the contradiction between external attitudes and internal desires, becomes available for treatment.

Bernie Sigle, eminent physician and psycho-oncologist

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