Center of Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Psychedelic Medicine Expio

Opening Hours : Mon-Fri 10.00 - 19.00.

Tel. +380 7373 080 88

The program "ANTICANCER" is a multimodal integrative psychosocial therapy, rehabilitation of cancer patients and prevention of cancer recurrence.

The program is an organic synthesis of the original author's developments of the center's specialists and the best foreign achievements in the field of oncopsychology.

Integrity programs means an approach to a person as a single system, where the body, energy, mind and spirituality are equal partners. Therefore, work with the patient is carried out at the corresponding four levels of his being.

Multimodality – use for therapy and rehabilitation of various means (modes) from classical medicine, psychology, alternative and oriental medicine, spiritual practices, eniology, valeology, quantum physics and information technology.

Psychosocial therapy is called because the disease does not begin in a cell or organ, but in a person immersed in social, interpersonal relationships. The resulting emotions are always associated with illness. As one of the pioneers of psychosomatic medicine, Victor von Weizsäcker, said, “illness is located between people and is a consequence of their relationships and the nature of conflicts.”

Program goals:

  • Heal psychotrauma caused by diagnosis, surgery, disability.
  • Stop the factors that aggravate the disease and block treatment: depression, helplessness and hopelessness.
  • Neutralize the main causes of cancer development - oncodominant, existential-spiritual crisis and loss of the will to live.
  • Eliminate chronic oncogenic distress due to unresolved conflicts and psychotraumas of adulthood.
  • Deactivate the basic predisposition to cancer - attachment disorders and childhood psychotraumas, as well as the resulting distortions in the perception of oneself and the outside world;
  • Transform post-traumatic stress, which feeds the tumor process, into post-traumatic growth, which mobilizes the body's suppressed healing resources.
  • Jointly develop a strategy for the patient's movement to life and release from the consequences of the disease.
  • Recreate and strengthen the will to live, which activates the immune and other defense systems of the body.
  • Change the attitude towards the disease - from passivity and surrender to life-affirming activity.
  • Awaken and maximize the psychophysical potential of the patient to return and maintain health.
  • Ease the side effects of treatment and improve overall well-being.
  • To help explore your personality and its role in the onset of the disease.
  • Learn to accept and respect yourself and the world.
  • Reduce fear of the unknown about the future.
  • Encourage active interaction and exchange of experience with other patients on the path to better health.
  • Increase the harmony of the brain with the help of information-resonance therapy to restore the self-regulation of the body.

Read more about the program on our dedicated website: You can also register for the program there.


Psychosomatics of Cancer

Prevention and precancer

Dominant of disease

A book