Center of Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Psychedelic Medicine Expio

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Archive for August 2023


What are eating disorders and what are the new possibilities of their treatment?

Eating disorders are a group of symptoms that are associated with disordered eating and its quantity. Such conditions are accompanied by a large number of physical health complications and can trouble a person for many years. For example, there is a risk of developing amenorrhea, osteoporosis, dehydration, impaired heart and kidney function, problems with the digestive system, impaired dental integrity, deep deficiencies of trace elements, insulin and leptin resistance, infertility. And, unfortunately, the list can be continued.

An eating disorder begins when we become obsessed with body image and the food we eat. A person with an eating disorder has:
● chronic diets, despite being dangerously underweight
● constant fluctuations in body weight
● obsession with calories and fat content in foods
● ritual patterns of eating food, including cutting it into tiny pieces, eating alone and/or hiding food
● excessive fixation on recipes or cooking, refusing to taste
● avoidance of family, friends and any involvement in society
● alternating periods of overeating and starvation, etc

Unfortunately, statistics indicate that a person dies every hour from this disease in the world, and every 4th person with RPH pushes himself to commit suicide.

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